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Each week around 700 people are welcomed into our Community Centre. Some come to have a meal, some to meet with peers for support, some to be creative, some for emergency food, some to give their time and talents as volunteers.
We are committed to creating an environment which is welcoming, inclusive and supportive for everyone in our local community.
Our Mission Statement

Christ Church Mission Community Centre is based in the heart of St Kilda with a small team of staff supported by over fifty volunteers.  We provide support, material aid and socially inclusive activities to a diverse range of local residents many of whom are disadvantaged, isolated or marginalised due to family dysfunction, infirmity, disability, mental illness or the long-term effects of drug or alcohol use. Our main goal is to provide a point of connection aimed at reducing isolation, fostering mutually beneficial relationships amongst those who attend and offering pathways to involvement with the wider community.


Read our brochure


Annual reports

Read our annual reports (PDF format): â€‹



See our email newsletters:


Opening hours

Opening times - emergencies and food parcels

  • 10.30am - 2pm Monday to Friday


Office hours

  • 10.30am - 4.30 Monday to Thursday

  • 10am - 3pm Friday


Open house - free community meal

  • 5.30pm - 7pm Thursday


Our staff

The Centre is now open 5 days per week and our four staff members are employed for a total of 79 hours (2.1 full time equivalent). They bring a wide range of skills and experience from a broad range of working and life experience covering Community Welfare, Mental Illness, Social Engagement and Community Development to their relationship with our community.


  • Manager Penny Matthews 


Our Community Centre is cared for by Jim Arter, Andrew Pope and Peter Turner.


A big thank you to our staff who, with our volunteers, enable us to continue providing valuable support and services to the community. 



Our supporters

We are grateful for support from:


We would also like to acknowledge Kate and Denise for delivering bread donated by Baker's Delight to us each morning.


Parish partnerships

Our ability to continue working in the community has been supported by South Port Uniting Church Parish Mission and the Anglican parish of St John’s Toorak through the Toorak Ecumenical Churches Opportunity Shop. 


We continue to be thankful and challenged by their support.

Christ Church Mission on instagram
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